Our Team

Bénédicte de Peretti

Founder and Associate Director

Before creating B2P Communications, the consultancy’s founder and Managing Partner held leadership positions in the media and the communication consultancy sector for over three decades.
Since 2008, Bénédicte has been directing strategic communications mandates at the level of CEOs, board members and global head of communications. She has led many successful communication campaigns for large French and German companies, often part of the CAC 40 or DAX indices, as well as international institutions.

Philipp Lehmann

Partner (Munich/Berlin)

Philipp Lehmann joined B2P in May 2018. After working 12 years in the industrial sector he has gathered sound experience in international media relations, CEO and executive communications as well as crisis management. Before joining B2P, Philipp headed the Airbus `CEO & Executive Communications´ team for four years, working closely with CEO Tom Enders and further members of the Airbus Executive Committee. Prior to that, he acted as the Corporate Spokesperson for German and international media.

During his career with Airbus, which he started in 2006 in the internal Communications department of the EADS Defence & Security division, Philipp has developed his strong ability to translate complex subjects into vivid stories that easily resonate with wider audience. Furthermore, in the international working environment of Airbus, he has built up a keen sense of intercultural specifics that are decisive in change and transformation projects.
Philipp graduated in Political Science, Psychology and Economics from Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich. Born in the United Kingdom, Philipp speaks English and German fluently and speaks French as well.

Pascal Jentsch

Director (Paris)

Pascal Jentsch has been working in the communications industry for over 25 years. He is a seasoned professional with a proven track record in strategic communications, advocacy, policy analysis and project and event management. He has worked in various fields on both sides of the Rhine, from lobbying, marketing and internal /external communications to media relations and crisis communications in multicultural environments. Prior to joining B2P in 2023, he led a Paris and Berlin-based European consultancy as managing partner and held several positions as corporate communications director in the energy and service sectors (e.g., Engie, Akka Technologie). In 2022, he oversaw the media crisis management for the European care home provider Korian as Corporate Communications Director ad interim.
Pascal graduated from the Freie Universität Berlin and Sciences Po Paris in Political and Social Sciences. He also holds a degree in Executive and Organizational Coaching from HEC Paris business school.
He is fluent in German, French and English.

Manuel Fuchs

Director (Berlin)

Manuel Fuchs possesses more than 15 years of experience in corporate communications and public affairs. He worked as spokesperson and as consultant for PR firms, too. Prior to joining B2P in early 2017, he was responsible for the external communication activities of energy group Total in Germany since 2010. He already worked for the PR agencies H&K Strategies in Berlin as well as Weber Shandwick and Publicis Consultants in Paris.
During his career Manuel Fuchs managed communication projects for clients from various sectors. By doing so, he established a proven track record in advising senior management internally and externally with emphasis on Crisis Communications, Corporate Messaging, Governmental Affairs, Issue and Stakeholder Management, Media Relations as well as CSR and Social Media.
Manuel Fuchs holds a diploma of “Institut d’études politiques de Paris” and studied at the Universities of Heidelberg, Potsdam and Toulouse.
He speaks German (native language), French and English.

Bernard Sirven

Director (Paris)

Bernard Sirven is specialised in business communication as well as press and media relations.
He has over seven years of experience in developing and overseeing the communication projects of a diverse range of institutions most of all in finance sector – initially working at Capmot, an agency specialising in business and finance communication. For over a decade, he was also a journalist writing about business and bank issues for several major French newspapers such as L’Agefi, La Tribune, Capital Finance, Figaro Eco and Nouvel Economiste.
Bernard Sirven holds a degree in economics and graduated from the Institut Français de Presse. He is the co-author of “Un mariage d’orgueil, l’histoire secrète de la fusion entre le Crédit Agricole et le Crédit Lyonnais” (A marriage of pride, the secret history of the fusion of Crédit Agricole and Crédit Lyonnais).
He speaks French and English.

Susanne Frank

Director (Munich)

Susanne Frank has been supporting the B2P team in Munich since 2021.
She is familiar with both sides of communications, for she has been an economic and financial journalist for more than 25 years. At this time, she notably worked as a correspondent for the press agency Reuters in Hamburg, and as an editor for the magazine Focus. In 2017, she started her own consulting business, dispensing advice mainly to technology start-ups on building effective public relations. Susanne holds a degree in economic and social history and economics from Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich.
She speaks English and German fluently and speaks French as well.

Marine Delabie Moulin

Senior Manager (Paris)

Marine Delabie Moulin joined B2P's Paris office in 2018, after editorial experiences in digital (Konbini) and in women's press (Paulette Magazine). She also acquired a solid background in European politics, public affairs and advocacy, both at Embassy press services (Sofia) and at the Headquarters of international NGOs (Secours Catholique Caritas France - Paris; Windows Channels for Communication - Tel Aviv).
After several years in corporate communication and influence consulting, she has developed a fine expertise in new formats, media relations, social media, event communication and storytelling. She works in particular for the health, consumer, environment, sustainable development, innovation, tech and R&D sectors.
She graduated from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Aix-en-Provence in international relations and affairs.
She speaks French, English, German and Italian.

Laura König

Senior Manager (Berlin)

Laura König joined B2P in 2016. Through her work at The Aspen Institute Germany, communications consultancy CNC Communications & Network Consulting and at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she gained insights into project management, public affairs and press relations.
She holds a Master degree in Culture, Communication and Globalization from Aalborg University, Denmark.
Laura speaks German, English, Spanish and French.

Laura Andres

Senior Consultant (Berlin)

Laura Andres joined the B2P team in September 2019 as a trainee. Previously, she had gained insights and experience into political decision-making in European, French and German political institutions. Her expertise in public affairs and public relations also stems from her work at the Spokesperson’s Service of the European Commission in Brussels, French local political institutions (Communauté de Communes & Mairie) and the German Bundestag.
Laura holds a Master’s degree in International and European Governance from the Institute of Political Science Lille (France) and the University of Münster (Germany). Additionally, she studied one semester abroad at the University of Agder (Norway).
She is fluent in German, French and English.

Pauline Brugeilles

Senior Consultant (Paris)

Pauline Brugeilles joined B2P’s Paris office in 2019 after working as a parliamentary attaché at the French National Assembly and in the Social Affairs section of the French Embassy in Berlin.
She has experience in public affairs, media relations, corporate communication and event management.
She holds a master's degree in European and Franco-German politics from the Institut d’études politiques de Strasbourg (Sciences Po Strasbourg) and a bachelor in Franco-German law (double degree).
She speaks French, English and German.

Marion Jousseaume

Senior Consultant (Paris)

Marion joined B2P’s Paris office in January 2022, after working for more than two years in the Parisian office of the Centre for European Policy (cep), an independent German think tank specialised in EU policy analysis and communication. Specialised in European policies, particularly environmental, she started her career at the EU Delegation to the Republic of Mauritius and then joined the Court of Justice of the EU.
She is an expert of public affairs and of European, French and German media and political landscapes. She also has experience in event management and digital communication.
Marion holds a Master's degree in EU law from Aix-Marseille University, as well as an LL.M (Environmental Law) from the University of Passau. She also holds a bachelor in Franco-German law (double degree).
She speaks French, English and German.

Benjamin Lory

Senior Consultant (Paris)

French national, Benjamin Lory joined B2P Communication Consulting in 2017, after spending 3 years abroad in the UK, the USA and China in heavy industry. He works for sectors such as automotive, high tech and electric industries. Previously he worked for heavy industries’ international departments handling exports and international business contracts. He specialises in influence and communication strategies, media and public relations. He graduated in Business intelligence from IRIS and International business from Toulouse Business School
He speaks French, English and Spanish.

Lucas Perry

Consultant (Madrid)

Lucas joined B2P’S Berlin office in 2021, following several experiences across Europe and the United States. Through his work at the Humboldt University Berlin, the political consultancy Portland Communications and the global biopharmaceutical PharmaMar, he has gained knowledge in public affairs, media relations, corporate communications and media monitoring, with a focus on healthcare, innovation and logistics. As an English, Spanish and German native, he is an expert in content production for a wide range of international platforms and medias. Lucas holds a Master’s degree in „Intercultural Communication and European Studies“ from Fulda University of Applied Sciences as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages (English, Spanish, French) from Humboldt University Berlin. Lucas also draws on a profound intercultural competence thanks to his particular background: he grew up in Germany but is originally from Spain, the United States and France.
He is a native speaker of English, German, and Spanish and is also fluent in French.

Léa-Marine Simon

Consultant (Paris)

Léa-Marine joined B2P Communications Paris in 2021, after working in communications for Atout France in Amsterdam and the French institute in Vienna promoting the French language. She has developed a particular expertise in multicultural communications management thanks to her multiple experiences abroad and is an expert in storytelling localisation and content writing. She is a trained French-German translator and has a detailed knowledge of European media and political landscape.
Léa-Marine graduated in European Studies from Sorbonne Nouvelle and in International relations and Translation from ISIT Paris.
She speaks French, English, German and Chinese.

Wasla Ahmed-Ali

Junior Consultant (Paris)

Wasla joined B2P's Paris office in January 2023 after working in communications in an opinion analysis and strategy consultancy agency in Paris. Before that, she worked at the Marseille City Hall with the municipal councillor in charge of European funds. These experiences allowed her to develop a particular expertise in media relations and public affairs.
Wasla graduated in European politics with a major in lobbying and advocacy from Sciences Po Aix.
She speaks French and English and has some knowledge of German.

Hella Bungert

Junior consultant (Berlin)

Hella joined the B2P team in Berlin in early 2024, following her role as Program Director overseeing B2B conferences at the European level, primarily in the machinery and plant engineering sector. Her practical experience, including her time at the European Commission in Brussels, not only reflects her passion for the EU but also underscores her proven expertise in communication and project management.
Her academic background includes a binational Bachelor's degree in French-German Studies and a Master's degree in International Relations with a focus on Diplomacy from Andrássy University in Budapest.
She is native in French, Spanish and German, and fluent in English.

Emeline Pineau

Junior consultant (Paris)

Emeline joined B2P's Paris office at the beginning of 2024, after several experiences in European affairs and project management at the European Commission's Representation in France and the Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, as well as in strategic communications at the consulting firm Reputation Age. These experiences allowed her to develop a particular expertise in European Affairs and Corporate Communication.
Emeline holds a Dual Master's degree in European Affairs from Sciences Po Paris and in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St Gallen (Switzerland).
She speaks French, English and German.

Oscar Schulte-Frohlinde

Junior Consultant (Munich)

Oscar Schulte-Frohlinde joined the Munich office of B2P in April 2024. Prior to working for B2P, he gained experience in the field of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications by working for the PA-agency PRpetuum as well as the communications consultancy Engel und Zimmermann. Moreover, his competencies revolve around the communicative supervision of topics with broader societal impact in the realm of accompanying public institutions and state-sponsored research alliances.
After completing his Bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science, Oscar acquired a Master of Arts in Strategic Communications from King’s College London.
Apart from speaking both, English and German, as native language, he also has a basic knowledge of Italian.

Sixtine Causse

Junior Consultant (Paris)

Sixtine joined the Paris office in January 2024 for her final year internship and after various experiences in the Franco-German sphere, in the fields of project management at the Franco-German Office for Energy Transition in Berlin and digital communications at the French Embassy in Germany. From her experiences, Sixtine has not only confirmed her wish to deepen her expertise in Franco-German relations, but also enhanced her capacities of rigour and adaptation.
She holds a master’s degree in international governance from the University of Münster (Germany) and a master’s degree in European Public Affairs from Sciences Po Lille (France). Her specialisation in public affairs gives her a sound knowledge of European, French, and German institutions.
As well as her mother tongue, French, Sixtine speaks German and English.

Lauro Gabriel De Souza Hining

Junior Consultant (Munich)

Gabriel joined B2P's Munich office in October 2024, bringing with him a broad international experience spanning from Austria and Brazil to the United States. He holds a degree in "Journalism and Communication Science" from the University of Vienna, with a specialization in public relations. His academic pursuits were complemented by studies in International Business Management, European Integration and Global Multi-level Politics.
During his tenure in University, Gabriel has actively collaborated with various cultural institutions in Vienna.
Fluent in German, English, Portuguese, and Italian, now he focuses primarily on Aerospace, Tech, and Lifestyle topics.

Eline Hustert

Trainee (Munich)

Eline Alice Catherine Hustert joined the B2P Team in Munich in May 2024. After completing her studies at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich and Sciences Po in Paris, she has started her career in communication consulting at B2P.
She has already supported the Asset Servicing-Banking Group of Crédit Agricole and Santander – CACEIS. With a background in corporate communications in the banking sector, as well as first experiences in journalism, Radio, PR & TV-productions, she has acquired a broad base in the world of media and communications. Having grown up in various cities across Europe (Paris, Stockholm, Zürich and Munich), her main interests lay in the fields of intercultural communication, European cooperations, Franco-German partnerships as well as in sustainability.
Eline is a native speaker in German and French, fluent in Englisch and has a basic knowledge of Spanish, Swedish, and Arabic.